How did the dinosaurs' favorite food escape extinction?

WASHINGTON: Palm-like plants known as cycads served as a favorite food for dinosaurs and other ancient creatures during the Mesozoic Era, 252 million years ago, as they were abundant in forests. were found. But like the dinosaurs, most of the plants have become extinct except for a few species that survive today.

A new study published in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution has concluded that species of monocots that survive rely on symbiotic bacteria in their roots to provide them with nitrogen for growth. Just like other plants that use nitrogen. Plants exchange natural sugars with bacteria in their roots in exchange for nitrogen absorbed from the environment.

Lead author Michael Kepp, who spent nearly a decade on the discovery, first as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Washington and then at CalTech, says the research is more about the ancient environment of plants than environmental history. Provides answers to questions.

"What we know about ancient environments comes from chemical studies of ancient marine life and sediments, but not from plants," he added. are watching

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